Ancillaries in the Hole-Sealer packages include; Protective gloves, Abrasion pads, Glow sticks (if your boat is holed in the dark) Plastic bags, Instructions for use.
All Hole Sealer products are carefully designed for immediate use to help in an emergency situation!  However users must ensure a permanent repair is completed at the first opportunity after using Hole Sealer products.
Hole Sealer products are individually foil vacuum sealed and placed into waterproof core bags which is further protected by a container. The products are effectively tripled sealed in waterproof packaging to ensure long shelf life even if subjected to wet or damp conditions.    It is important Hole Sealer Products are stored in a safe location and condition to ensure the product packages inside the container and water tight bags are not punctured, which will compromise the condition of the materials and shorten shelf life.
Transatlantic and offshore yachtsmen and expeditionary leaders are encouraged to contact us to discuss the Hole-Sealer packages that may best suit your requirements.  We are able to tailor Hole Sealer and structural repair products and packages unique to your boat or expedition equipment requirements.  Even in the event of mast facture or other structural equipment failures miles from home when self help is vital.   Hole-Sealer products are designed to use immediately from the packaging (No mixing of chemicals or additives are required).   With 40 years of Polymer composites knowhow, we have designed Hole-Sealer to be your Emergency repair First Aid Kit when boats get holed or things go wrong.  By working together we are able to discuss your plans, consider and tailor our products that best support your equipment for your travel and activity requirements.
Hole-Sealer Products are available in mixed product packages for immediate use which can weight up to 2.5 kg.  Mixed product packages provide the user a range of hole and leak sealing solutions for selection in the event of a rupture or a structural damage predicament.   At times customers require a range of light weight packaged repair products (typically for on land expeditionary or for offshore sea kayaking).  If you require a light weight package kit please contact us and let’s discuss your project.
Please take a little time reading up on the Hole-Sealer products prior to sailing and being familiar to each of the different products and their capabilities and how to apply them.  Study and mental rehearsal of Hole Sealer products may save invaluable time if a situation becomes serious.

StrongBond Polymer welcomes your comments and questions and we will consistently upgrade information on the Hole-Sealer website to support our products and our customers.